Museum Artifacts Documentation and Management System

This system was created and is supported by the Cultural Informatics Center of the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (CCI-FORTH).

The creation of this system was based on a pre-existing infrastructure. In the framework of the project “DARIAH-CRETE National Digital Infrastructure for Research in the Arts and Humanities DYAS” it was converted into open source software, modified and extended to meet the documentation and management needs of museum objects and to provide all the information structures and functions required by current best practices and international standards.
The “SYNTHESISmuseum” information system developed in the context of this project is a system of scientific and administrative documentation of museum objects. It supports a fairly general and flexible model of documentation processes, it provides a web based working environment specially configured for the description of knowledge about objects of culture e.g. museum objects and collections, works of art etc. and for all kinds of accesses e.g. administrative, scientific etc. It is multilingual and provides for the exchange of data in XML among the various systems involved in digitization, web presentations, etc. The use of XML for data exchange offers information validity and longevity.
The code for this system is on GitHub.
For more information, follow the link Synthesis | ISL
Created and supported by the Information Systems Laboratory (ISL) – Centre for Cultural Informatics (CCI) –  Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH)

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