
1940s thematic activity

The 1940s thematic activity is a model application for editing, curating and indexing the metadata of digitized and digital-born collections and documents related to the 1940s in Greece, and for making them available in a common search platform.

It aims to contribute to the enhancement of digital research in the arts and humanities and to the development of tools, services and good practices, in coordination with other similar projects and initiatives developed in recent years. Moreover, it aims to provide an archival research environment for the history of a particularly charged period that […]

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ORCAH Open Researchers Community for the Arts and Humanities

ORCAH Open Researchers Community for the Arts and Humanities was developed by the Academy of Athens in collaboration with the School of Fine Arts and is supported by the Academy of Athens.

Humanities researchers, digital humanists and other cultural heritage professionals are encouraged to register with ORCAH and become a member of the ORCAH community.

Within the framework of the research infrastructure project APOLLONIS: National Infrastructure for the Digital Arts and Humanities and for Language Research and Innovation, the Academy of Athens and the School of Fine Arts are compiling a registry of arts and humanities researchers. It aims to encourage networking and information activities in order to facilitate its […]

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ICCS_09 iEnrich Service

This tool is developed and supported by the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens.

The iEnrich enricher allows the enrichment of texts by detecting their association with a given set of tags of a thematic category. Its operation is based on machine learning models which are pre-trained for specific subject categories. The enricher is available in the form of a REST service, which accepts as input the textual content, […]

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iClassify Classifier

iClassify Classifier

This tool is developed and supported by the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens.

The iClassify classifier allows text to be classified into a given set of tags of a thematic category. Its operation is based on pre-trained machine learning models. The enricher is available in the form of a REST service, which accepts as input the textual content and a set of terms of a thematic category, and […]

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DYAS Humanities Thesaurus

The DYAS Humanities Thesaurus is an ongoing project. If you want to contribute to its enrichment, you are invited to propose terms through the THEMAS thesaurus management tool. To do so, please email [email protected] providing your details (name, email, professional identity, institutional affiliation, contact phone number), your request, as well as your scientific interests and we will contact you.

This is a multilingual structured thesaurus for use by humanities researchers. It is maintained and supported by the Academy of Athens. The DYAS Humanities Thesaurus is the result of an effort to create a multilingual structured thesaurus for use by humanities researchers. It is a special thesaurus based on the principles, methodology and hierarchies of […]

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Semantic Network: Απολλωνίς

The Semantic Network Απολλωνίς application brings together in one platform the set of services in order to facilitate the integrated production, enrichment and publication of RDF datasets. Through the appropriate user interfaces, the data is imported by executing D2RML files, and is enriched by executing one or more notifiers on specific fields of the data. […]

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BBT Federated Thesaurus

It is supported by the Cultural Informatics Center of the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (CCI-FORTH – HELLAS).

The thesaurus federation management service was created under work package 4 “Supporting the development of digital resources in the humanities” of the project “APOLLONIS: National Infrastructure for the Digital Arts and Humanities and for Language Research and Innovation” (code no. 5002738). The purpose of the system is to subsume and link local thesauri under the […]

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inKnowledge Thesaurus Reference Annotator

ICCS_06 InKnowledge Service 2019

It is supported by the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)

The thesaurus-based reference annotator inKnowledge allows textual data annotation with terms of a specific SKOS dictionary. The annotator locates the occurrences of the specific dictionary terms in a text and produces the relevant annotations. Its operation makes use of efficient direct search techniques for textual terms in texts. Depending on the language of the text […]

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CQSpace query space builder

ICCS_07 CQSpace Service 2019

It is supported by the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)

The CQSpace query space builder, given a knowledge base, i.e. an ontology, and a set of instances of the ontology, computes all possible conjunctive tree queries that can be formulated in terms of the ontology and have answers within that given knowledge base. The queries that are constructed are structured in a graph that allows […]

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Backbone Thesaurus (BBT) metathesaurus

An overarching metathesaurus for the humanities. Its aim is to define the top-level concepts (topics and hierarchies) that form a common basis for thesaurus building in an effort to satisfy the demands for objectivity and interdisciplinarity.

It was created by the Thesaurus Maintenance Working Group, VCC3, DARIAH EU and is supported by the Academy of Athens and the Cultural Informatics Center of the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (CCI-FORTH – HELLAS). Read from the library: The Backbone Thesaurus User stories. Benefits from joining the thesaurus federation (poster) Watch on […]

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