News about events such as lectures, workshops, and training events are disseminated through posts on the relevant web page, sent by e-mail to our mailing list members and posted on our social media platforms. Here, on the other hand, we collect news about the network’s ongoing activities, which are scheduled to be completed in the future. The visitor thus obtains a more comprehensive picture about the progress of the infrastructure.
- The DYAS Humanities Thesaurus is an evolving activity. If you want to contribute to its enrichment, you can propose additional terms through the THEMAS thesaurus management tool. To do so, please send an email titled THESAURUS to [email protected] stating your details (name, email, profession, institutional affiliation, and phone number), and your request and we will contact you.
- The Humanities Resource Registries are being constantly enriched and updated with the aim of increasing the visibility and facilitating access to Greek analog and digital content. They rely heavily on the cooperation of the institutions that own and manage the relevant content. That’s why user input is essential. Those who are responsible for managing an institution’s collections and want to increase their visibility, or to update information about organizations or collections already featured in the DYAS registries, are kindly invited to fill out the relevant forms and email them to [email protected]. The forms are available for download here.